The "Revue Diplomatique"

Our quaterly online magazine

La Revue diplomatique regroupe un ensemble de publications inédites portant sur un thème d'actualité géopolitique. Sa parution est trimestrielle pour les numéros réguliers, entre lesquels peuvent s'insérer des numéros hors-série.

Chaque numéro de la Revue diplomatique fait l'objet d'un important travail de conception, d'élaboration et d'édition, afin de garantir la qualité des contributions et la cohérence générale de l'ensemble. Les numéros réguliers et les hors-séries sont supervisés par la direction générale de l'Iega, ainsi que par un comité de lecture formé ad hoc.

En mobilisant des auteurs reconnus par leurs pairs et rigoureusement sélectionnés par un comité scientifique, la revue a pour objet d'étudier les enjeux géopolitiques contemporains de manière transversale, sectorielle et géographique. Les numéros sont pensés de manière à proposer une analyse exhaustive et stratégique.


  • 250 000 readers/year
  • + 320 subscribers (natural persons and legal entities)
  • + 100 000 interactions on social networks 


Articles and interviews

A issue of the Diplomatic Review is essentially based on a foundation of articles written by contributors with diverse profiles, as well as interviews conducted with international relations professionals or seasoned experts.
Depending on the selected offering, you have the possibility to nominate a collaborator or any other contact (provided they are confirmed by the scientific committee) for writing an article or conducting an interview.


Beyond the mere visual representation of geopolitical issues, cartography serves as an indispensable tool for geostrategic understanding.
The issues of the Diplomatic Review include map files featuring geopolitical data. Custom maps can be inserted upon request, to highlight selected strategic elements and private data (flows, units, stocks, turnover).



The offerings are addressed to both natural persons and legal entities (schools, universities, businesses, institutions, organizations). Rates available upon request:

Standard Offer

Annual subscription. Includes the four quarterly issues of the journal as well as special issues.

Events. Participation in conferences, seminars, and meetings on topics related to those covered in the journal.

Books. Access to books published by Iega, in paper format.

Premium Offer

  • Includes all the benefits of the standard offer, as well as the following supplements:

  • Additional publications. Exclusive access to additional publications published in restricted access by Iega, outside of the journal.

    Custom Theme and Cartography. A full issue of the Diplomatic Review developed around a commissioned and defined theme. The issue also includes unique maps specifically created for this issue.

    Tailored Events. Opportunity to submit themes/speakers for organizing meetings funded by Iega (conferences, seminars, symposiums) related to the custom issue. See the journal brochure for more details.

    Advertising Offer. Opportunity to place an advertisement in the journal, at various strategic locations, as part of a promotional and branding campaign. See the journal brochure for more information.

    Subsribe as a Legal entity