
The Iega develops a diverse and inclusive scientific research, in accordance with the values ​​as defined by its charter.

Through a wide variety of formats, the institute's work reaches an increasingly larger audience in order to bridge the gap between the international relations research ecosystem and civil society. That is why the bulk of our research work is available open access. As a generalist think tank, the Iega is dedicated to analyzing major contemporary geopolitical issues, favoring a transversal and multidisciplinary approach, as well as prospective analysis missions, including for economic and institutional actors.


Our publications include internally developed editorial work as well as submissions from external collaborators wishing to share their work with the institute's audience. The different publication formats correspond to various levels of analysis, ensuring a plurality of approaches. The institute also has its own journal, the Diplomatic Review, published entirely in digital format.


The audiovisual activities of the Iega take the form of podcasts and videos of varying lengths. Designed as a way to prioritize exchanges, these formats allow for the discussion of complex geopolitical themes through detailed analyses by specialists from diverse backgrounds.

Infographics and Cartography

In line with the importance it places on its independence, the institute creates its own maps and infographics, which it publishes open access as well as in edited works. More than just a support, we aim to make these activities real visual analyses.